a white woman with dark brown hair, dressed in a black shirt and black pants, does a ballet movement in front of a poster of mountains

Today I pretended to be a hummingbird. I kept my eyes closed as instructed. I tried to make a figure eight with my wingarms. It wasn’t easy, but I kept at it. Then, we were told to move about the room as our animal. I moved fast, darting here, there, up on a ledge, then back down to the ground to pretend hover. Then we were told to add a sound that our animal might make, to communicate with one another. I found myself mid-flight in front of a friend who promptly let out a loud wild squawk that demolished any semblance of my birdpersona and rendered me incapacitated by laughter and giggles. I kept my wingarms moving though, even as he continued to yelp with careless abandon throughout the room. I flew and flew until I landed safely where I began.

Later, we were tasked with making one another laugh and we did it.

And then we did it again.

And again.